Thursday, December 30, 2010
LaWa kah?
Jom tengok pix bawah ni...u all rasa?
kadang2 terpikir gk kn..depa ni rasa lawa ka with this kind of style kn? lady gaga malaysia??ouhh plisssss...
Saturday, December 11, 2010
ChEat-dAy Lady
Weehoo...saturday datang lagi!!
"Dgn ini diisytiharkan..bahawa..setiap hari sabtu adalah "cheat day" yg diwujudkan khas utk my salt-free lady .."
~~ credit to en.tunang for such a meaningful thoughts **wink**
Went out for shopping with en.tunang ~ beli macam2 ~ and paling syiok ; makan sedap (tau la after a long-long wait nk makan it finally!!). Tau kt mn? Hehe..Siam Express Thai food tu, and so happen ada promo lak, per person cuma 8.95+, which is for me cam murah la jgk. I was like..why not i try to ask en.tunang kn? Mn tau he agree? Plus, he also "pantang" for quite sometime already. I bet he'll agree with my choice. I can later see a smile on his face, so to what i understand la, its a YES!!
Terus ja masuk dlm restaurant tu..i cant help stopping my eyes from staring at the menu. Mak aiii..mmg byk menu, and semua looks sempoi wooo. I took roughly 15min to belek (view) all the list, not to check on the price, tapi to analyse the salt content..haha!
Ok la..while en.tunang has already choose his set, he keep forcing me to make my decision faster. So he ordered plain rice + stir fry garlic chicken. And for cheat-day lady (temporary to stop using salt-free lady :)) i had a wonderfullllllll "Thai-style noodles" which slightly tasted like mee / koay teow kungfu. And yea, alang2 dh nk langgar pantang hari ni, we decided (i mean..i decided) to also order appetizer ~~ Otak-otak. Yummy!!!
I had my tummy full with those noodles, chicken plus the otak-otak. I asked him, sedap ka? He answered, "ok ja..x la sedap sgt". I was like...really ka? I rasa semua sedap kt sini. Ada ka patut he can simply tease me & said : "..u rs semua sedap pasai dh lama u makan without garam.." Hehe..quite true also la kn. Bila dh lama makan "pantang food", bila ter-off pantang suma bnda jad sedap kn?
p/s : Actually kn, masa makan td x rasa guilty sgt bila off-pantang, tp bila dh setle mkn smp x leh bangun, baru rasa cam takot, xpa kot kan aku mkn ni kn? Ada effect ka aku off-pantang ni? Hehe..tu la sapa suruh tipu, kn dah takot. Padan muka sendiri!!!
Apapun, i bet my tummy will definitely thanked me for the treat today. U're most welcome!! Haha
Now i have extra reasons to love Saturday more & more..!!
"Dgn ini diisytiharkan..bahawa..setiap hari sabtu adalah "cheat day" yg diwujudkan khas utk my salt-free lady .."
~~ credit to en.tunang for such a meaningful thoughts **wink**
Went out for shopping with en.tunang ~ beli macam2 ~ and paling syiok ; makan sedap (tau la after a long-long wait nk makan it finally!!). Tau kt mn? Hehe..Siam Express Thai food tu, and so happen ada promo lak, per person cuma 8.95+, which is for me cam murah la jgk. I was like..why not i try to ask en.tunang kn? Mn tau he agree? Plus, he also "pantang" for quite sometime already. I bet he'll agree with my choice. I can later see a smile on his face, so to what i understand la, its a YES!!
Terus ja masuk dlm restaurant tu..i cant help stopping my eyes from staring at the menu. Mak aiii..mmg byk menu, and semua looks sempoi wooo. I took roughly 15min to belek (view) all the list, not to check on the price, tapi to analyse the salt content..haha!
Ok la..while en.tunang has already choose his set, he keep forcing me to make my decision faster. So he ordered plain rice + stir fry garlic chicken. And for cheat-day lady (temporary to stop using salt-free lady :)) i had a wonderfullllllll "Thai-style noodles" which slightly tasted like mee / koay teow kungfu. And yea, alang2 dh nk langgar pantang hari ni, we decided (i mean..i decided) to also order appetizer ~~ Otak-otak. Yummy!!!
I had my tummy full with those noodles, chicken plus the otak-otak. I asked him, sedap ka? He answered, "ok ja..x la sedap sgt". I was like...really ka? I rasa semua sedap kt sini. Ada ka patut he can simply tease me & said : "..u rs semua sedap pasai dh lama u makan without garam.." Hehe..quite true also la kn. Bila dh lama makan "pantang food", bila ter-off pantang suma bnda jad sedap kn?
p/s : Actually kn, masa makan td x rasa guilty sgt bila off-pantang, tp bila dh setle mkn smp x leh bangun, baru rasa cam takot, xpa kot kan aku mkn ni kn? Ada effect ka aku off-pantang ni? Hehe..tu la sapa suruh tipu, kn dah takot. Padan muka sendiri!!!
Apapun, i bet my tummy will definitely thanked me for the treat today. U're most welcome!! Haha
Now i have extra reasons to love Saturday more & more..!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Masterchef - can i?
I've just had a view on my fave tv show - rancangan masak2 ; masterchef. Kind of exciting seeing them preparing all those unique dishes within limited time period, limited resources & to be judged by a trio of mean judges (eww...scary!)
Mcm show td, they're responsible to prepare dishes for 230guests in a wedding event. Can u imagine..within few hours je nk kena prepare appetizers & main course utk semua guest tu together for the pengantin (and tau la mat salleh ni their food cam meat-based kn, and susah to be prepared). But they did it well! Mmg enjoy tgk the way they prepared the meals, from top-to-bottom and of coz i enjoyed more watching their dramas! Well, sapa yg x suka drama kn? Hehe
If i were given options..nk jadi chef ka accountant ka..banker ka? I would definitely choose...chef la! Of coz the glam is not there, but the challenges of meeting people's expectation towards the food we prepared that counts. Kan? Plus, the pay is damn high alsoooooo..yg tu lagi penting, kan ladies? hmm..cuma bleh mimpi or angan2 ja la nk jadi chef glamer ni, kalu setakat jd chef untuk en.huby, bole la..ngehh
Mcm show td, they're responsible to prepare dishes for 230guests in a wedding event. Can u imagine..within few hours je nk kena prepare appetizers & main course utk semua guest tu together for the pengantin (and tau la mat salleh ni their food cam meat-based kn, and susah to be prepared). But they did it well! Mmg enjoy tgk the way they prepared the meals, from top-to-bottom and of coz i enjoyed more watching their dramas! Well, sapa yg x suka drama kn? Hehe
If i were given options..nk jadi chef ka accountant ka..banker ka? I would definitely choose...chef la! Of coz the glam is not there, but the challenges of meeting people's expectation towards the food we prepared that counts. Kan? Plus, the pay is damn high alsoooooo..yg tu lagi penting, kan ladies? hmm..cuma bleh mimpi or angan2 ja la nk jadi chef glamer ni, kalu setakat jd chef untuk en.huby, bole la..ngehh
Persediaan melangkah ke gerbang perkahwinan..(must read..!!)
- Minda
Should really ask yourself..btul2 dh ready utk pikul semua tgjawab sbg suami-isteri? Dgq saja nama "kawen" most of us akan terpikir bnd yg hapy ja,,tp pernah x come across apa disebalik perkahwinan tu? Setiap pasangan mst ada sikap matang & ada pengetahuan serta kemahiran dlm menguruskan rumah tangga. Lagi satu...sgt2 la penting utk satu2 psgn tu ada pengetahuan agama, walaupun basic, tp at least mmg sptutnya ada ilmu agama utk saling membimbing..Sbg suami isteri jugak, kita perlu ada kemahiran komunikasi, kemahiran utk uruskn kewangan (terutamanya utk si isteri la..), kemahiran utk uruskan masa & yg paling penting ada kemahiran utk mengatasi tekanan.. Ye la, mn tau masa dh kawen nti ada gadoh2 skit, at least ada skill tersendiri utk redakan perang dingin tu kn..?
- Persediaan Ekonomi
Sebagai suami sudah mjadi tgjawab utk menyediakan kelengkapan yg cukup (atau hampir ckup;) kpd isteri mengikut kadar kemampuannya. Zaman sekarang kebanyakan psgn kedua2nya berkerjaya, jd x ssh sgt la if nk balance kn kewangan kn. Dlm hal ni rsnya si isteri kna mainkan peranan pentg utk manage kan sumber yg diberi oleh suami. Kena lengkapkn dulu isi rumah,,,then only pkq utk shopping ok??
- Sosial
Bila dh kawen ni..kita kna ready utk face new environment ; ada extra family to take care of. Masing2 kna mainkn peranan utk jaga hati family members yg lain utk elakkan salah faham di samping utk eratkn lg silaturrahim la..Kena ada byk komunikasi among family members, ipar duai & mertua utk pastikan kemesraan tu ttp maintain dak? :p
- Fizikal
Bakal pengantin jugak kna pastikan keadaan kesihatan adalah dlm keadaan yg baik & bebas drpd sebarang penyakit berjangkit. Sgt penting bg setiap psgn utk punyai kemampuan dr segi seksual, sbb x dinafikan kemampuan seksual adalah salah satu faktor utk menjamin kebahagiaan dlm perkahwinan. Kita perlukan kesihatan yg baik utk melahirkan zuriat yg baik..btul x?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
TeRingin Nak KaYaaaa...:p
I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire
hmmm...nice song isn't it? Cuba tanya org sekeliling kita ni, ada ka yg x teringin nk jadi kaya? Mmg x dak kn? Suma org nk kaya..nk hidup senang. Ada yg sanggup susah payah keja utk jadi kaya, ada gak yg sanggup susah payah menyibukkan diri tumpang kekayaan org lain. Kan? Kan? Kalau lelaki yg kaya tu cm normal la bcoz kita pn tau lelaki ni jenis yg work hard utk achieve apa yg depa mau. Tp bila pompuan yg dpt achieve title kaya tu, rasa cm ssuatu yg outstanding & membanggakan. Apakata, jom tgk bawah ni among top 5 - richest women in entertainment...mmg super-well known list la depa ni...:-
kalau la btoi aku pn kaya raya..adoi..dunia ini ana yg ampunya!!
Kdg2 rs cm funny plak org cam kita ni teringin nk jadi org kaya cm depa ni, tp who knows kn kalu ttba ja ada rezeki mai...kita ter-kaya. Bole beli apa yg kita mau,anywhere anytime, at any price!
Cuma kdg2 terpikir gk, kaya ngn harta benda ja boleh buat kita happy 100% x? Myb depa kaya materially, tp dlm hati depa masih rasa ada kekurangan dr segi kebahagiaan ka? Baik jadi cam kita a simple life yet so hapy bila org yg kita syg ada sekeliling..setuju x?
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen
Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire
hmmm...nice song isn't it? Cuba tanya org sekeliling kita ni, ada ka yg x teringin nk jadi kaya? Mmg x dak kn? Suma org nk kaya..nk hidup senang. Ada yg sanggup susah payah keja utk jadi kaya, ada gak yg sanggup susah payah menyibukkan diri tumpang kekayaan org lain. Kan? Kan? Kalau lelaki yg kaya tu cm normal la bcoz kita pn tau lelaki ni jenis yg work hard utk achieve apa yg depa mau. Tp bila pompuan yg dpt achieve title kaya tu, rasa cm ssuatu yg outstanding & membanggakan. Apakata, jom tgk bawah ni among top 5 - richest women in entertainment...mmg super-well known list la depa ni...:-
kalau la btoi aku pn kaya raya..adoi..dunia ini ana yg ampunya!!
Kdg2 rs cm funny plak org cam kita ni teringin nk jadi org kaya cm depa ni, tp who knows kn kalu ttba ja ada rezeki mai...kita ter-kaya. Bole beli apa yg kita mau,anywhere anytime, at any price!
Cuma kdg2 terpikir gk, kaya ngn harta benda ja boleh buat kita happy 100% x? Myb depa kaya materially, tp dlm hati depa masih rasa ada kekurangan dr segi kebahagiaan ka? Baik jadi cam kita a simple life yet so hapy bila org yg kita syg ada sekeliling..setuju x?
Are yOu iN ThE RiGHt JoB?
Some simple questions to ask yourself..You should really, really ask yourself !!
1- Do you look forward to going to work? ---> The right job has you feeling eager to get into the office every day. Anything less means that it is not getting your 100%~
2- Do you feel energised (most of the time) by what you do? --> Someone who doesn't enjoy what they do is lethargic, disprited & glum
3- Do you feel that your contribution is respected and appreciated? --> Although you love your job, your firm may be letting you down~
4- Do you feel proud when describing your work to others? --> An easy way to tell whether someone loves something is the way their eyes light up when talking about it. If you'd rather not talk about what you do then you have no business doing it.
5- Do you enjoy and respect the people you work with? --> People who dislike their jobs are easy to spot : They are friendless, nasty & trouble-making. Does this describe you now? ~
Among all listed frank, any of them related to you? Come on!! Though i feel scared to answerrrr..but definitely few of them (or shall i say all) so kena & ngam with me, uhu ~~
I've been with the company for quite it or not it has been quite a chalengging 4 years (and counting) for me tau. Having to attend customers, adapting to management changes & so many other kerenah with HQ, ewwwwwwww....its sucks!! But its undeniable, its brings out joyful experience indeed..leh makan angin (sponsored ok!!)
Tak kisah la keja camana pn..kalu dh mmg rezeki kita kt tmpt tu, trima je la kalu bley aku pn nk gak merasa gaji banyak. So ape lagii..let googling for new job, ehe~~
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
hi geng!!
pls turn to your right..and read carefullyyyy..
For those yg plan nk start diet, take it as a reminder, and for one (aku la tu..) yg dh stat "diet" way longggg ago (for me 2 months period is long enaf to say it long :p) :- take it as continuos motivation to make sure the diet is on the track!!
Lets have a quick glance below ; list of things that i can eat..(awesome!!)
Tapi...yg bawah ni plak yg x bole makan...(sigh..)
So what to have for tomorrow? Among the upper list tu I've chosen one - yogurt + fruits, and mix vege as my soup-of-the day. Not to forget...all in less salt ok!!
pls turn to your right..and read carefullyyyy..
For those yg plan nk start diet, take it as a reminder, and for one (aku la tu..) yg dh stat "diet" way longggg ago (for me 2 months period is long enaf to say it long :p) :- take it as continuos motivation to make sure the diet is on the track!!
Lets have a quick glance below ; list of things that i can eat..(awesome!!)
| ![]() |
• Yogurt | |
• Wheat, cereals, sprouts, pulses and legumes such as tur dal, moong dal, rajmah, chana, lentils (masoor), etc. | |
• Eggs, fish, dry fish, chicken, lean meat, etc. | |
• Vegetables and fruits | |
• Soups, sauces, chocolate drinks, juices, etc (but with low sodium content) | |
• Wafers, popcorns, chutneys which are prepared in less salt. | |
• Moderate to low intake of vegetable oils, butter and mayonnaise. | |
• Noodles, spaghetti, pancakes, etc (low in salt) |
Tapi...yg bawah ni plak yg x bole makan...(sigh..)
Excess of protein should be avoided because a very high protein diet may cause tubular damage to the kidneys as the kidneys will have to filter more of the proteins. | ![]() |
• High amount of fats should be avoided as the cholesterol and triglyceride levels tend to be high in patients with Nephrotic syndrome. The diet must be high in calories so as to conserve proteins, yet low in fats. Excess of oily food and saturated fats (ghee, margarine, etc) should be avoided. | |
• Sodium in the diet should be minimum so as to prevent fluid accumulation and oedema. The foods that are high in sodium content and thereby should be avoided are: | |
:. Salted wafers, popcorns, salted biscuits, snacks, chips, etc . | |
:. Papads – all varieties | |
:. Commercial salad dressings and sauces. Soup cubes | |
:. Bakery products, bread, biscuits | |
:. Salted cashew nuts, pistachio, walnuts, peanuts | |
:. Commercial cheese, preservative containing foods, noodle mixes, pastas | |
:. Salted or canned meat | |
:. Foods containing baking soda and ajinomoto |
So what to have for tomorrow? Among the upper list tu I've chosen one - yogurt + fruits, and mix vege as my soup-of-the day. Not to forget...all in less salt ok!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
A New ME
Have u all, ever, ever come across that one day u'll be diagnosed with a kind of illness which u had never heard of? I mean..of coz la byk illness out there yg kita x penah tau (bcoz we're not a doctor!!), tp ada jgk yg kita pernah dgq based on experience from org2 yg kita kenal kn. As for myself, suddenly being diagnosed as a patient of nephrotic syndrome, mmg ssh sgt nk trima. Never heard of the name, & never know what is all sikalang...sudah tau meaning, sudah tau what to do...& most important, sudah bole trima the fact that i need to pay more & more attention towards my health, (apart from giving extra attention to en.tunang lah..hehe)
Based on advise from doctors, and also throughout my ulangkaji thru the net, it is veryyyy important for one (nephro patient like me..hehe) to control on eating habit & food consumption. Mmg rs unacceptable at first when i was asked to stop taking this & that as it may not be good for my current condition. Can u all imagine x after discharge tu i eat nasi & lauk all without garam? And paling x tahan xle tambah any perisa like ajinomoto ka, pasti sedap ka..cukup rasa all my food mmg x rasa apa la. Dah nama pn org sakit, aku pn kena sedaq diri la kn, mkn je la pa yg ada...hehe
Tp after few research thru net, some advise says bole ambik garam but not too much la..cuma kna avoid taking outside food, then canned foods cam sardin whichever yg contain high amount of salt. Hve to also control on calories, other words buat ms lani better masak sndr kt umah, sng nk monitor apa yg kita letak dlm food kita tu.
Lani life aku nk kata beza sgt ngn dulu...x la jgk. Tp still ada. Contoh, dulu ms masak aku la Ratu garam - asal masak ja mst masin. Ringan ja tgn aku ni nk bubuh garam. Lani, nk letak suku camca kecik tu pn rasa takut dh. hehe.
Ada satu g beza aku dulu & lani : Dating-style. Dulu...asal dating ja..asal outing ja mst nti singgah mkn kt luaq (which i will sesuka hati ja name the place & en.tunang will have to bawak la!! hehe)..Now, no more outside food allowed!! No more old town, no more more mee more nasi lemak..CKTeow..Most annoying is that i heard Burger king is now in xdan rasa lagi...uhuuuu. But indeed...ada save duit skit la kn,,,sbb time nk kuaq dating ja we all mkn kt rumah in advance, hehe..simpan duit for kawen, yey~
And most important part of all...which i believe nampak sgt different is the care & concern shown throughout my sakit time. Mmg la all of them syg me so much (becoz i'm the last agak manje skit lerrr), tp bila sakit ni they show super extra care, sronoknyaaaa..hehe. Families, friends...fiance & his family members as well shows their support, sacrificing their time to make sure i get better & better..They've never stop giving advise & strong support which is such a valuable things for me to remember of. Thank you semua!!
I believe things happen for a caiyok my-newself!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
wondering y is it salt-free? hehe...i was at first tercari2 what shud i name my blog ni..and!!!! ada idea..Salt-free-lady!! cuma xtau nk explain camana kt cni the real reason la..nti la ye bila dah idea aku cita ye..
so tungguuuuuu my next updates..!!!
so tungguuuuuu my next updates..!!!
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